Thanks for choosing us!
We are proud that our products have welcomed your preference.
We are not as fast as Amazon.
It takes almost 10 days to get the Redoro Extra Virgin Oil to your home.
• Do you know why?
Once the online order has been received, we will insert it in the bottling queue to ensure you a very fresh product and maximum shelf life.
It is an extra guarantee that we want to offer you in exchange for a small wait.
We are not Amazon: we are a small company that loves to give the best to those who have offered us their trust.
“100% Italian” extra virgin olive oil also requires care in preparing your package. We bottle it right now!
For any of your requests, contact our customer service – Tel +39 045 907622
We look forward to seeing you soon and, if you like, leave us a review of the products you have chosen.
See you soon !