The global market of olive cultivation
The olive oil and the extra virgin olive oil are performing importants results on the world of imports and consumption of the Green Gold. The countries who don’t produce any oil have increased the imports of this product from 55% to 80%.
The global market of olive cultivation
The cultivated olive’s areas cover 11.100 hectares of which 49% is situated in Europe. The USA market reconfirms itself as the largest importer of olive oil and of table olives production.
The extra virgin olive oil culture is growing in countries where, until a few years ago, it was almost unknown; we are aware that even
the China market will achieve important demands creating productions that could not be 100% certified at the expense of the superb product quality.
The market competition
It’s considerable the competition between the large enterprises selling olive oil around the world: often the Spanish multinationals cover much of the global trade thanks also to various Italian brands they own.
Concerning the production of table olives, and not only of olive oil, Italy is placed on the third position after Spain and Greece and just before Portugal.
Referring to the market of olive oil, Italy estimates a quote of 23% of the total.
It’s interesting observing that Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal hold 90% of the world exports of olives and olive oil.
Redoro Frantoi Veneti’s extra virgin olive oil
We are an oil mill from Veneto, an oil mill who has been producing 100% italian extra virgin olive oil since 1895. This production is
our anchor; it’s what we believe in, what makes us strong and this is the reason why we have the trust of a lot of people to whom we owe all our success and to whom we work tirelessly, every day, to ensure our italian character, genuineness and quality among the highest in all world.
Our aim is to produce and sell unconditionally from everything keeping our company healthy, offering a genuine 100% Italian extra virgin olive oil and primarily be happy with and for the work that we develop every day, with ups and downs, with all the related problems of the world of work, but always faithful to what our grandparents taught us.
We are men and women, fathers and children of entrepreneurs, workers and peasants, we are people who transformed their work in their passion giving to the world something sublime: the Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil.