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Bio & Biodiversity has come to life


Bio & Biodiversity has come to life – The Agri-food Regional Network promoted by Coldiretti Veneto

It is called Region Bio&Biodiversity friendly: about twenty local organizations have joined including Coldiretti Veneto, AIGelsibachicoltura, Arav, Aipo, Opo, as producers; the Ecor-Naturasì group from Verona as distribution; Organic food production chains such as Ca’ Verde from Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella and Fattoria alle Origini.

Listing also processing companies such as:

– Agricola Grains

– Pollo Ducale (Malocco)

– Latterie Vicentine

– Redoro Frantoi Veneti di Grezzana

– Piazza Antonio e Stefano

– Avicola Berlanda Edio

Technical means suppliers:

– Maschio-Gaspardo

– Consorzio Agrario Treviso-Belluno

– Sistema istruzione Università di Agraria

– Istituto Agrario “Della Lucia” di Feltre


– Gal Alta Marca Trevigiana

The concept comes from Coldiretti Veneto and moves from an analysis related to the need to identify new development directions for farms that are dealing with a by now structural negative trend on the side of the products remuneration.

“It is a cultural leap that many companies, from wine to fruit, from vegetables to cereals want to do,” states regional director  Pietro Piccioni.

Coldiretti Veneto is ready to support this process, adding a number of important partners who can support and respect a committed choice. In short, this is the initiative of Coldiretti: orienting businesses and ensure them the right support in a new challenge of sustainability.

To highlight the commitment made by signing the statute, organic certifications related to sustainability, and already up and running, will be promoted shortly. These will allow to distinguish on the market who will undertake this journey.

“The interest is high – guarantees Martino Cerantola president of Coldiretti Veneto –  just think that Veneto Bio has thousands of workers in the sector and 15,800 hectares certified with ten thousand employees, which are bound to increase.”

The European market recorded a +7.6% and a turnover of 26 billion euros. Italy with over 1.3 million hectares, 55,000 workers and a turnover of 4 billion euros, is a reference for the organic demand of Italian origin also for the confidence in the production system and the checks made.

source: “L’Arena – Quotidiano”

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